Relax and see Ireland with Dove Chauffeur Drive
Executive chauffeurdriven vacations in Ireland with Dave Hogan and Dovechauffeurdrive
For your own especially designed Tour of the Republic of Ireland/West and South west

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My pal Proffy

Today i had a letter from our dear friend Joy who now lives in Little Rock. She was saddened by the fact that she had to put down her cat. Eventhough she still has another cat, this remaining cat misses her pal also and i know how that feels. My pal Proffy just appeared out of the blue at my feet a few years ago as i was out feeding my pony. He followed me into our house and it was just as though he had been living there all along. He remained with us and i never found out who owned him. He was a really lovely cat and, as you can see from his photo, a really good looking fellow. He was with us for a few years and then one day he vanished again just as mysteriously and suddenly as he had arrived. We searched and searched but never found any trace of him. Needless to say he was sadly missed and eventhough we now have another cat,(another stray), and we often think of him. You do become very attached to your pets and sadly they are only on loan. Such is life. I thought that i would feature him on my chauffeurdrive Blog for all my cat loving friends, especially Joy.
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  1. I still miss my cat Sammy. She appeared out of the blue one day, became my cat, and not too long after that had kittens in my garage, one of which I still have. One day she disappeared... I think one of the neighbors moved and took her with them. I hope she's living a good life, because she was a very sweet cat... I would love it if she one day found her way back home... it's been months but I still look out the window hoping to see her in the yard.

    Sorry about Joy's cat, and Proffy. It does always leave an empty space.

  2. Well Kristy, poor Proffy is gone now nearly two years. About a year before he left we had new neighbors and they brought about twelve cats with them.Proffy did not like them all coming around his house and i think that he tired of chasing them off and just decided that it was time to move on. The only other possibilities that i can think of are that maybe he just got into somebody's car, as he was wont to do, and got carried away, and then was not able to find his way back, or else he got poisoned or run over by a car and dumped. I would rather think that he emigrated, like a lot of us Irish do, and is living happily somewhere else now. Dream on Dave...lets just settle for "in cat heaven enjoying himself".


  3. LOL, I like the emigration scenario

  4. We had a sweet little gray named Patches (someone at the shelter's idea of irony?) who came to us as a foster placement with her 4 newborn kittens. She was so trusting and friendly and motherly toward our dog and us; when the kittens were old enough to be adopted they went to new homes but Patches stayed with us (despite me always saying I didn't want another cat, I was the one who got attached). We had to put her down 2 years ago when she developed kidney failure. She was a special cat.


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