Relax and see Ireland with Dove Chauffeur Drive
Executive chauffeurdriven vacations in Ireland with Dave Hogan and Dovechauffeurdrive
For your own especially designed Tour of the Republic of Ireland/West and South west

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dollar continues to improve against Euro

The Harbour in Kinvara

This is the harbour in Kinvara, that lovely town on the southern shores of Galway bay. Kinvara has its own castle, Dun Guaire, where they host medieval banquets during the tourist season. Bunratty castle would host the most famous banquet but Dun Guaire, which is a part of the same group, host a more intimate banquet which in its own way can be more fun. These banquets are very popular. Many of my clients choose to attend one of these and i can include them as part of an itinerary if requested. The yellow building in the middle of the picture is the Pier Head pub and restaurant and the food here is excellent with a great selection of the best of Irish meat and fresh sea-food. The mussels and oysters are from the local area and all of the meat is free range. There is no doubt that free range meat has a much better flavour than the mass produced indoor fed animals meat which is what you are getting in many of the larger economies now. Try it for yourself and see.
The great news for anybody coming our way from the USA in the near future is that the dollar continues to improve against the Euro. It is not long now since it had an exchange rate of almost $1.50 to the Euro and now it is at $1.30. That is quiet a sizable saving on the price of a tour. Take that improvement together with the improved and reduced cost of things in general here and we are now offering great value. Maybe now is the time to think about that trip to Ireland.
If you are looking for a chauffeurdrive vacation in Ireland then give me a call.



  1. Love that you're posting pics!

  2. Thanks Kristy. I am sure that you can recognise some of them. I will have to replenish my stock as i go along.


  3. The harbor in Kinvara is a good sea port to explore. The sailing and food is so enjoyable and memorable.


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