Relax and see Ireland with Dove Chauffeur Drive
Executive chauffeurdriven vacations in Ireland with Dave Hogan and Dovechauffeurdrive
For your own especially designed Tour of the Republic of Ireland/West and South west

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Irish Vacations with a car and driver.

Common road-users on the Conor Pass

I took this photo on my way up that narrow winding road to the Conor pass from Dingle town. What you do not see here is the drop on the right hand side down into the valley below, and just a flimsy wall between you and fresh air. Finding sheep on the road is common and it is just another reason why driving in Ireland is something you need to be used to. There are sections beyond the Conor Pass at the top as you descend to the Tralee side that are even far more dangerous than this section and yet it is one of the most scenic drives on the peninsula. The views from the Conor Pass itself at the top are really special as you can take in both sides of the peninsula from there. To the south you have the Iveragh peninsula and the Skellig islands and to the north you can see the coastline of county Clare with the Cliffs of Moher in the far distance. On a clear day the views are magnificent as you have Dingle harbour and bay closer to you on the southern side and Tralee bay to the north. Directly below you to the north you have a deep valley dotted with lakes and bogs. This is always a journey where my passengers express their relief that they are not driving themselves. It is a scary drive and certainly not one i would recommend to the nervous driver.
Our weather continues to be exceptional for this time of the year and our winter has certainly been shortened by this wonderful spell. I always say that there is no weather like Irish weather when it is good.....the air is so clean and fresh...never too hot and never too cold....and the scenery to go with it. If you have not been here yet then now is as good a time as any. Come see for yourself.
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