Relax and see Ireland with Dove Chauffeur Drive
Executive chauffeurdriven vacations in Ireland with Dave Hogan and Dovechauffeurdrive
For your own especially designed Tour of the Republic of Ireland/West and South west

Monday, March 22, 2010

Private Driver Ireland Tour/ Chauffeur Ireland tour

Well-fed seagulls at Slea Head on the Dingle peninsula

This is another photo that i love and which i took at Slea Head on the Dingle peninsula. You can clearly see the Blasket islands in the background. This was one of the areas used on location in the filming of Ryan's Daughter. If you have not seen that movie then i would recommend that you get it and enjoy it like i did. It featured Robert Mitchum and Sarah Miles and many of the scenes were filmed on this wonderful peninsula. It is an area that i always recommend to my clients and one that i visit many times every year and of which i never tire. There is actually quiet a drop on the other side of the wall which makes this view even more magical than the photo reveals.
Easter is fast approaching and my season is about to begin shortly. Irish vacations will be in many minds, and especially West of Ireland Vacations. I was born and reared in the West and i suppose i am naturally more at home here than anywhere else in Ireland but i do cover the whole country and in my mind there is nowhere like the Western seaboard from the top in Donegal to the bottom in Cork and Kerry. It never bores me and the great feeling i get from the obvious enjoyment of my clients makes my job all the more enjoyable.
I have had a couple of suggestions coming in with regard to my query on what people might Google if looking for somebody to show them around here in Ireland. I have headed this article with a couple from Kristy who was wonderful company when she and her friends toured with me some time back. Kristy has a wonderful sense of humour and is also a wonderful writer. Go check on my Blog and have a look at Kristy's Blog. If any of you have any more suggestions for me then please feel free to write.
Ireland of the Welcomes awaits you. Vacations in the Emerald Isle are like no other. Chauffeur Drive West of Ireland is the way to go.
Come let me show you around.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! Pictures!

    I loooooooooooooooooved Slea Head... such a pretty place...


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