This is a picture of our home in Kinvara with the cherry blossom in full bloom. This photo was taken last year and we are now waiting for the blossoms to reappear once again. Please note the lovely sunshine and the next time somebody tells you that it always rains in Ireland you can tell them that they do not know what they are talking about. We have enjoyed a really kind spell of weather from early February up to the end of last week, and eventhough it has turned wet and cold again for the last few days, we have had some lovely periods of sunshine also. It is still only early April and now that our clocks have gone forward once again the stretch in the day is really nice. If the skies are clear it does not get dark now before eight in the evening. Come the middle of June it will be eleven o'clock before it gets dark. I love the early morning in the Summer as it starts to get bright shortly after four and it is so nice to hear the birds singing in the early morning sunshine. Where i live there are only the sounds of nature as there is very little traffic until later in the morning, and even then it is only the occasional car or tractor.
I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter and peace in your homes and your hearts at this time. My weekend will be spent with family along with a couple of visits to a couple of nursing homes where i play a little music and sing a few songs. The elderly are my favourite audience.
Talk to you soon.
The Ireland is a place for spending relaxing and peaceful vacations in beautiful houses and enchanting environment. The surroundings are so serene with lush green valleys. It is the best place for holidays in summer.