Our first stop-off was at the 12th century Corcomroe Abbey, on the edge of the Burren, in County Clare.
Here we have Loren and Kevin, pictured inside the Abbey. Note the grave stones on the floor of the church, as people were laid to rest inside these old Abbeys after they had been abandoned during the years of the persecution of Catholics.This, of course was because these Abbeys were seen as being on sacred ground. The main altar is no longer to be seen, but it was directly behind Loren and Kevin, in front of the beautiful windows.
My lovely young couple, the Crowley's (Loren's maiden name was Wignall ) could not miss the opportunity to let you all know that they had found their cousins here in the Burren of County Clare, as you can see from this picture. Unfortunately there was nobody at home.
What a lovely picture of my lovely couple, as they pose here, high on the mountainside on the Corkscrew hill in the Burren. It is hard to believe that this region was once upon a time the ocean floor.
Now things are hotting up, as we near the famous town of Lisdoonvarna. It was to this town that the farmers would come, after the harvest each year, to find a wife, with the assistance of the matchmakers, professional people, who would try to select a suitable partner for them from among all of the ladies who would also come here seeking a husband. Many men used to come from the USA, and many of them did find i lovely Irish lady to make their dreams come true. Believe it or not, that still goes on, and maybe it is more popular today than it ever was, as huge numbers of men and women gather here for the Matchmaking festival each September. The Matchmakers are still there and carrying out their mission, as in olden times. They will find someone for you but there are no guarantees, like you get with cars. No, you cannot trade them in.
Looking for a wife or husband?
Kevin and Loren, enjoying a little dance together in the center of Lisdoonvarna. I have no doubt that they have found their ideal partner.
Well look at this!!!! Kevin is giving her the "Come hither".
The Cliffs, in all their glory, with Kevin and Loren, happy to be here. These Cliffs are on the western side of the Burren, on the edge of the mighty Atlantic, with nothing between them and the USA, but three thousand miles of ocean.
O'Brien's tower, at the top of the Cliffs. You can climb this tower by spiral staircase to get a view from thirty feet higher up than the 800 ft view you already have before you climb. Mmmmmmmmm.
Killarney, and our lovely Plaza Hotel in the heart of the town.( I must wear something else, that sweater does make me look bigger. No more profile pictures.)
What a great day this was, and Loren and Kevin began their exploration of this great town, dining in Quinlan's wonderful "Fish and Chip" restaurant firstly, before later enjoying a Shepherds pie if the Caragh restaurant. They sure are eating well, but who wouldn't, the food in Ireland is second to none.
Thursday will be the Dingle peninsula, and more of the magnificent Wild Atlantic Way.
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