Relax and see Ireland with Dove Chauffeur Drive
Executive chauffeurdriven vacations in Ireland with Dave Hogan and Dovechauffeurdrive
For your own especially designed Tour of the Republic of Ireland/West and South west

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Humphries and pals on the ring of Kerry

Today our destination was the Ring of Kerry, and it looked from early on that the weather
 might not be great, but that changed just as we set out, and all for the better.
 This picture above was taken by Mac himself ,and i must admit he did not do a bad job, eventhough, for some reason or other, he made me look a little shorter than i really am, and maybe even a little older too.
 This statue of Charlie Chaplin in Waterville was erected in his memory, as this was one of the famous film star's favourite holiday destinations.
 Paula was impressed by the scenery at Mols Gap high in the mountains, and was not missing this opportunity to use her camera.
 Here we have George and Mac, pictured together at Ladies View on the Ring of Kerry. It was here that Queen Victoria stood, in the company of her ladies in waiting, and declared it to be the most beautiful view in the kingdom, hence the name "Ladies View". This place has since become rather sacred to women, and i am sure that many of the women of Kerry will be a little annoyed by what looks like a rather rude protest by men on their sacred ground. Did these guys know what they were doing? Either brave men or silly men. Paula and Susan were not aware that this picture had been taken, but we may be hearing more about it when they see the Blog tomorrow. Good luck guys.

 Here we are, pictured outside the famous Muckross House stately home where Queen Victoria stayed during her visit to Killarney. From the left, George, Susan, Paula, and Mac.
 The gorgeous Rhododendrons in the gardens at Muckross House are in full bloom right now.
 My favourite oak tree in these magnificent gardens. I wonder just how old this tree is.
Paula and Mac pictured together with the tree in the background.
George and Susan, feeling the evening chill, under the same tree.
A final picture of more of the lovely Muckross gardens, which were specially prepared for the Queen.
Once again, this was a really nice day in the company of lovely people, who are really enjoying their Irish visit.I think i am even making progress with Mac, as he is now using his knife at the table, and that is taking some effort.Well done Mac.
Tomorrow we are off to Kinsale.

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