Here we all are,me second from the right, and obviously giving them all a lecture about something or other, which i do have to do occasionally, as people do not always listen to me. From the left we have Amanda, Scott, Eric, Chris, Tony, and me of course, and Phylis. This pic was taken at Inch beach on the Dingle peninsula.
Scott in pensive mood at Inch.
Me and my new American nephew, and best pal, Eric,also at Inch.
Here i am again, wearing my Chicago hoodie, and smiling happily, with Amanda and Chris.
How they loved the lambs. Amanda cried a lot when poor Chris told her he just could not bring a lamb home, as it would break the poor mother sheep's heart if he did. I suggested that he maybe could bring the mother also, but he brushed that suggestion off.
Just to show Amanda that he really did love lambs Chris cuddled one also, and promised that someday he would either buy her a lamb, and have him sent over, or get me to bring him when i was visiting my son in Chicago. Thanks Chris. I suggested that maybe it would be best if they moved to Dingle instead. Amanda jumped at that idea.
Well just look at Phylis, happy as a lamb in Dingle.
My new buddy Eric, with his new buddy. He has to be named yet.
Here he is joined by his Mom, Nancy.
I think that this guy might just make a good farmer by the way he is holding that lamb.
Does Tony look a little nervous?
The ancient beehive huts, once upon a time home to the original settlers in this area, were of special interest to my pals. From the left, Phylis,Chris,Amanda, Tony, Nancy, Eric, and Scott.
Another lovely group shot at Slea Head, with the Blasket Islands in the background.
Scott and Eric, pictured as they went for a walk and took in the fabulous views on the western side of the peninsula.
Stretching their legs also, Tony and Phylis enjoying the same place.
Here we have Chris,examining this ancient Ogham marked standing stone at Kilmakeader Church. Ogham was that script that the natives used when they did not have our alphabet. Of course, he had to have Amanda read the inscription for him, as she is qualified in that area.
Now back in Dingle town, at the harbour front, where this young kid was enjoying the moment, standing on top of the statue of the famous Dingle dolphin Fungi.Finally a picture of some of the array of boats in Dingle harbour. Dingle is a very important fishing port in this area, and a lovely place to visit on the Wild Atlantic Way.
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